JANUARY 6, 2022
The members present at the membership meeting held on Wednesday, January 5, 2020 voted and carried the following:
- Voted to send LL1782, Brother Guy Johnson, to attend the Labor Law/Arbitration Class in January paying for lost time, travel per diem, registration fees, mileage and any additional Board approved expenses with an approximate cost of $900.
- Voted to cover travel cost and per diem (not to exceed $900 with the Boards final approval) for each District approved W3 Leadership Class attendees.
- Voted to send one (1) member to EAP I Class paying for lost time, travel per diem, transportation expenses (not to exceed $700) and any other Board approved expenses with an approximate cost of $3000.
- Voted to send one (1) member to Basic Communicator Class at W3 paying for lost time, travel per diem, travel expenses (not to exceed $700) and any other Board approved expenses with an approximate cost of $3000.
- Voted to send the Recording Secretary and Secretary Treasurer to the DL141/142 Workshop in Chicago paying for lost time, travel per diem, two (2) nights hotel, transportation expenses (not to exceed $300) and any other Board approved expenses with an approximate cost of $4000.
- Voted to spend up to $500 for DL141/DL142 new hire orientation bag
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Hattin
Recording Secretary LL1782