Mac McGovern District 141 Director of Education
District 141 Director of Education Mac McGovern and SEA UA Ramp Committee and District Educator Duke Higgins taught a very informative Shop Steward training class in SFO. Members of 1781 and 1782 were present, representing SFO and SJC United Airlines Ramp, United Airlines Stores, Scientific Concepts and Flagship. It was an amazing class with many local and district representatives speaking, educating and answering members questions
Mac and Duke started the class with introductions. We went around the room to introduce all brothers and sisters. Then they educated members on the levels and differences in the IAMAW; Grand Lodge, District and Locals. Followed by explanations of job duties for local officers; President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Secretary Treasurer, Conductor Sentinel, Trustees and Auditors.
They explained the duties and responsibilities of shop stewards as well as members rights. They taught of the history of the Grand Lodge founded on May 5, 1988 in Atlanta Georgia by 19 machinists that met to vote for a trade union. They explained Due process and DFR Duty of fair representation.
We were privilege to have many speakers such as:
Daniel spoke of the importance of having local safety representatives. Troy spoke on many issues including organizing. Roberto talked about EAP always being confidential and helping members with such issues as debt management, depression/anxiety, grief and loss, divorce, child and elder care, addictive behaviors just to name a few. Greg spoke on the MNPL working 24/7 on members behalf. The involvement with lobbing on capital hill on our behalf. The successes such as assault against a customer service or ramp member now being a felony. Dave spoke about a political committee call letter coming in the fall and the importance of getting involved.
- If you want to support your MNPL Machinists Non-Partisan Political League go to WWW.GOIAM.ORG/MNPL

Debbie Canning SJC 1782 Committee Chair,James Tuakalau SJC Ramp Shop Steward,Greg Brown 1782 Political and Legislative Representative