Local Lodge 1782 Agenda Items for Vote at the February 5, 2020 Meeting
For Posting: Wednesday, January 29, 2020
- Voting to send the 1782 Recording Secretary and Secretary Treasurer
to the DL141/142 Workshop February 18-20 in Chicago paying for
lost time (if applicable), travel per diem, two (2) nights hotel stay
and any additional Board approved expenses.
- Voting to send LL1782 Committee Persons and SFO Committee
Assistant to the 2020 DL 141 Local Committee Chairperson’s
Conference May 11-14 in Chicago paying for lost time (if applicable)
travel per diem, three (3) nights hotel, registration fees and any additional Board approved expenses.
- Voting to send six (6) delegates from LL1782 to attend the 2020
DL141 Convention October 20-23 in Las Vegas paying for lost time,
travel per diem, three (3) nights hotel, registration fees and any
additional Board approved expenses.
- Voting to send two (2) LL1782 Safety Committee members to the OSHA
Awareness/Chemical Emergency Response Training Class at
Winpisinger in April or December 2020 paying for lost time,
travel per diem and any additional Board approved expenses.
- Voting to send six (6) delegates to the 40th Grand Lodge Convention in
San Diego in September 2020 paying for lost time, travel per diem, hotel,
registration fees and any additional Board approved expenses.
Brenda Hattin
Recording Secretary LL1782